

(Open)CityState is a new political movement. At the center of this movement is a new ideology, a new geopolitical order, and a new understanding of ancient Rome, namely that the real Rome means Union and stability. More specifically, united nations and people.

How can Europeans regain national sovereignty without losing on national cooperation in an international arena?

The answer to this question is OpenCityState. OpenCityState is a network of European CityStates ruled by Kings and Queens. OpenCityState replaces the nation-state which is outdated. At the national level, better labeled as Monarchy level, each realm should pick a Constitutional Monarchy or Executive Monarchy as government type. So people represented by their leader have a democratic voice.

This vision is different from the European union of nation-states, in which some nations dominate other nations based on power and size of democratic vote. The European Union is mainly based on an economic order and imposes a neo-liberal ideology combining elements of capitalism with financial control. It is true that lesser economies benefit from solidarity and investment, but this comes at a price. The highest cost is the loss of sovereignty. Moreover, the notion of solidarity is an overstatement as economic growth of the collective is also in the interest of the larger economic players, including investors.

In order to end the on-going ideological battle between neo-liberal and conservative Europe, and to regain national sovereignty, a new poltical order has to be established. This implies that the best option for a country like Poland is to leave the European Union. This is not the end, only a new beginning.


Keeper of Romano-British culture. Defender of Plantagenet England. Supporter of the Jacobite cause. Proponent of Brexit. Guardian of traditional values. In exchange for divine right of warrior Kings and Queens, including those yet to come. This is the truth.

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New political order

CityState proposes a new political order. According to this model, the nation-state is replaced by Kingdom and Monarchy. A Kingdom may inherit different realms. One King may rule multiple Nations depending on the will of city states, that may join realms or leave them, for example if the Monarch's rule is unpopular. Independent regions, based on city states may become Duchies or be ruled by a Senate.

Figure 1: Proposed new political order